Sucuri: Best Website Virus Scanner
Your website at any cost since it is a lucrative investment that requires all the security you can get. For this reason, you need a plugin that does an exemplary job in website protection . Sucuri is trusted worldwide for providing top-notch website security, and you can count on it to scan and eliminate any potential threat. If you are running a WordPress website, all content will be protected from any kind of corruption that can harm your website. Although WordPress is viewed as the best secure CMS, it is entirely up to the webmaster’s action or inaction to keep it totally safe. WordPress is so popular, making it a big target for hackers who are always looking for the slightest opportunity to invade your site and steal sensitive information and conduct various malicious activities. Since most WordPress users have little or no security expertise, they wouldn’t notice a security threat if bit their heads off...Lol. Personally, I believe that Sucuri developers have outdone ...